Anatomy Charts For You And Your Massage Clients!
Anatomy Charts to keep you familiar with the basics.
Keeping your edge with the basics. Showing your clients that you understand the functions of the human body and how they pertain to each massage modality.
Referrence For Yourself And For Your Clients
Charts are a great way to keep up on your basic and advanced knowledge of the human body. Between clients I'll even quiz myself!
I've also used them in my massage room and the clients love them as well! I've found charts to be a good conversation starter with clients who are reluctant to talk about their OWN bodies or use their own body as an example. If you have good charts you can now just have the clients point at the area that may be bothering them.
It's also a great idea to have many different charts, not just a chart or two on the muscular system, trigger point chart, etc., etc. Have charts on the nervous system, skeletal system, endocrine system.
We cannot fix everything, yet it's good for us to know all the systems of the body. We can also use these to refer clients to other health and wellness professionals. This will also remind you to contact these health care professionals to come and get a massage from you, or even better, have them refer their clients to you for a massage!
Remember, we ARE in the relationship building business. We should always be looking for opportunities to build and develop our relationships with our clients. It's my personal opinion that it's also our responsibility to education them as well.
Showing clients exactly which muscles or fascia we are working with gives them clarification of just exactly what we are doing.
It's their body; let them in on what's going on!
Here are some great links to all kinds of charts and accessories. Enjoy!
As I am not performing massage therapy anymore, I'm going to begin using these web page for plugs to my new business, as well as my sweetie's business. I'll keep them down here at the bottom so as to not interrupt the flow of the original information. Here is my new page the Crack Between The Worlds, Crack Between The Worlds. I'm now a personal performance coach, AKA life coach, now-a-days.
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