Attract Massage Clients While Building A Massage Business ... Learn My Tips!

Attract Massage Clients. Yes, it's a little more than just handing out fancy massage business cards when it comes to building a massage business. Learn from my experience!

There is no 'magic bullet' to continually attract massage clients and re-book them.

Perseverance And Planning Pays Off!

I've been building a massage business now for the past seven years and it's tough! I worked my tail off to create a very prosperous outcall massage business, yet now I have a central location and have to start all over again! (My choice.)

It's not been easy, especially since my current outcall clients have trained me so well to visit them at their residence, and I need to attract an entirely new client base for this central location.

So, please allow me to share with you what I'm currently doing in building a massage business. Yes, this is what I-Am currently doing to attract massage clients, not some cute theory I've made up in front of the computer that sounds all nice and comfy, yet doesn't work when applied.

Sure, there are some killer ways in building a massage business and to attract massage clients all at once. And some work better than others...

...but for the most part it's about trying several methods at once.

So without further ado, here are several proven ways to attract massage clients:

Be Personable and Enthusiastic!

  • Be passionate, enthusiastic, likable, positive and keep your energy high, especially if you are out meeting prospective clients face to face. I once did a survey of my massage clients, after I attracted them. I asked them what they liked most in me. The majority came back with passion, enthusiasm, likability, and positive energy.
  • Make giving referrals or massage testimonials a condition of doing business with you. Ask for them, reward your clients when they give them and give them a lot of praise in front of the other massage clients.
  • Always run new promotions that offers a low cost and shorter time commitment. Run your own, 'Deal of the Day,' or I do a massage 'Deal of the Week.' You can view this here on my massage website, Las Vegas Massage Therapist Kris Kelley . Please note: You MUST get them in to see you, first! When you attract massage clients don't be thinking so much about the 'front end' money you are making (or not making!). You must get them in the door, first, THEN you can talk to them about re-booking. 90% of all your money will be made on the 'back end,' or with returning clients. This is the key to building a massage business.

  • Get The Word Out

  • Get out into your neighborhood, especially your 'business neighborhood,' and do some cold calling. Meet people face to face. Bring with you some massage gift certificates, a letter of introduction, etc., etc. Print a lot of material and don't be shy about giving these out. Almost every office has multiple employees. Just handing out massage business cards or brochures doesn't cut it. You need an irresistible offer! Something that catches their attention. What business are they in? What do they do all day that an excellent massage from you can fix for them? Listen to what they say to you and work that into a conversation.
  • Write a letter of introduction to local business owners and mail them. Offer then a free massage with you for their critique of your bodywork. Everyone loves to provide their opinion, especially doctors, dentists, lawyers, etc., etc. Once again, don't be afraid of free. When you get a couple of these business professionals as clients, think of their staff as well as all the other professionals they know. A testimonial or joint venture with a prominent business professional can bring you dozens of loyal clients!
  • Get yourself AT LEAST 21 human billboards – massage them for free – in exchange for referrals. This is good for all friends and family, or anyone else you feel the need to massage for free. Remember, word of mouth advertising is the BEST advertising, and yet another 'golden rule' in building a massage business successfully and profitably!
  • Schedule at least one 'lunch and learn' for local businesses with ten or more employees. Give them 20 minutes of content, 10 minutes of Q and A and then make them an irresistible offer in regards to your massage specialty. I'm an orthopedic and medical massage therapist , so I do this in regards to educating people about their aches and pains, medical conditions and how orthopedic massage can help, etc., etc. I'll also work on several participants in regards to postural assessment, a couple demonstrations on parts of their body. We can talk all day long; yet when people actually obtain hands on experience it goes a long way!
  • Give all new massage clients a massage gift certificate after their session – a discount for their next session and a massage gift certificate for a friend or family member for, let's say, a free 20 minute back and neck massage. Easy referrals and conversion. I've said it before but I'll say it again: Building a massage business that's successful depends on your ability to generate referrals!

  • Get all your massage clients on EFT (Auto Debit). This may not be a 'attract massage clients' system but it's one of the best client 're-scheduling or re-booking' systems I know.
  • Market on Yelp, Angie's List, Google Places & Maps, Yahoo! Local, etc., etc. Offer discounts to current clients for writing a referral or recommendation for you. You can also advertise this discount on your massage website.

  • Remember ... Learn To Use Listening Skills

  • I mentioned this above, but I'm going to mention it again as it's very important: Get belly to belly and commit to talking to at least 10 people a day to attract massage clients. Learn how to begin a conversation by talking to people and learn how to use listening skills! When you talk to others, asking questions about them, the conversation always turns around to you and what it is you do. Then you present them with what it is you do in an exciting manner.
  • Dominate the search engines and get your massage website to the top of Google. Click on this link to use the same system I use!
  • Build a huge responsive E-mail list of clients, prospects, and former clients and deliver killer content to them while making exciting offers. Please read the article in the link above, it's critical once you have clients and for building a massage business.
  • Learn how to use your social network sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., etc., that target locals who may be interested in health & wellness or a massage. I've had so much success with Facebook that I've even written an E-book about it! You can check it out here, Massage Marketing Using Facebook. This E-book takes you step by step on how to attract massage clients on-line.
  • Use good ole' snail mail! I still use this with huge success. It saves time, energy and gas as well to attract massage clients. Find your target markets, personalize each letter with the prospective clients name and hand write the envelopes. Here are a few tips on ensuring your letter gets opened.

  • Visual Aids Sometimes Speak Louder than Words

  • Create massage videos of yourself and your massage business. Create a massage video introduction and put it on your massage website. Create massage video testimonials with clients. Show prospective clients a technique you use with video.
  • Craft scripts or a 'massage elevator speech' for everything. A phone script. A face to face script. A sales script. Dealing with objections script. NEVER 'wing it'. Always think and speak in terms of benefits for the people you are talking to, not features when you look to attract massage clients AND with your existing massage clients!
  • Use the text message appreciation system. Basically text your clients an awesome message everyday and pump them up. They'll tell their friends and you'll get more clients. I've seen this one work with my own eyes.
  • Reprogram your subconscious mind for success. Every morning and each night before going to bed visualize what you want your business to look like in 12 months. Be specific and your subconscious will help you get there faster. Then of course you must take action in building a massage business!
  • Focus on your critical five percent and outsource the trivial 95%. Get an assistant and stop being a control freak.

  • Integrity and Foresight

  • Give to get. Be one step ahead. Send your best clients unannounced gifts – just because.
  • Consult your client council. Ask your best clients what they want from a massage session or massage packages. Find out what they feel is missing and make it happen.
  • Do the things that others therapists won't do. Overcome your fears, doubts, and limitations and take massive action.
  • Don't live by other people’s values. Set your own values and expectations of your business and meet them. This takes action as mentioned in the previous comment. Try different things. Not all will work, but that's Ok. Trial and error is needed in building a massage business.
  • Be a master closer. All the marketing in the world to attract massage clients means nothing if you can't convert prospects into paying clients.

Ok, that's enough for now on how to attract massage clients and building a massage business. Once again, please do as many of these suggestions listed above at the same time for optimal results. Get yourself organized, create a plan of action, then go and get it done!

If you would like to read a short story on how I attract massage clients in a more subtle manner, please click on this link, Attract Clients. This is a quick story of how I was at the Las Vegas Convention Center and how I managed to attract massage clients (two of them in less than an hour!) by just being a nice guy and listening to other people as opposed to always talking.

Las Vegas Massage Therapist Kris Kelley

P.S. - Please note that I have retired from the massage therapy industry since starting this website. I'm now a life coach in Prescott, Arizona. If these services interest you, please feel free to visit my new website here, Exploring Awareness. Have a great day, and thanks for visiting!

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