Best marketing videos for massage therapists
by Jennifer
(Cambridge, UK)
If you're trying to build a massage business, and looking to get more massage clients, you should consider using Animated Videos on your website and youtube.
See a great example of an animated video created for a massage therapist in Colorado video marketing for massage therapists has been proven to not only grab Google's attention and rank quickly in the search engines, but it also grabs the viewer's attention, which means they spend more time on your site and are more inclined to take the action the video tells them to (like calling you for an appointment!)
The person I would recommend for creating these videos is Nolan Collins, of Collins Kinesiology. Nolan has been a licensed therapist for over 18 years, with practices in both the US and the UK.
But now he focuses on helping other massage therapists market themselves, having done tons of self-promotion, marketing, advertising, social media, website creation, etc. to build his own practices - so he really knows what he's doing!
Nolan's specialty is video marketing - because it gets such great results! The videos I've seen him do can rank on the first page of search engines within days, if not hours!Check out Nolan's YouTube channel -
and watch the video for more info.