James Waslaski - Orthopedic Massage

by Kris Kelley
(Las Vegas, Nevada)

I attended James Waslaski's two-and-a-half day seminar on 'Complicated Shoulder Conditions' and 'Forearm, Wrist & Hand Conditions' on June 6th, 7th and 8th, 2010 at the AMTA - Nevada Chapter State Conference.

I must say that this was an excellent seminar!

Mr. Waslaski is well versed in A & P as well as Kinesiology. He is also an experienced speaker. There was not any fumbling around looking for the right phrases to use, or forgetting which muscles did what, or forgetting the name for this condition or that condition. He knows his material and presents in a very clear, concise manner.

What caught my attention the most, and perhaps what I need to work on the most in my own practice, At Your Door Massage, is client assessment.

Mr. Waslaski has an excellent 12 step program that covers everything from Assessment, Treatment and then Rehabilitation. In everything we did we followed this program.

There was a great deal of hand-on work which is to be expected in a class such as this. If you are looking for pleasant theory and a slideshow just to get your massage CE's, this course isn't for you! With that said, there was a slideshow and we could follow along, working on each other at a comfortable pace. Mr. Waslaski was always available, moving around the room assisting all the therapists. This seminar was the perfect balance between theory/lecture and hand-on practice. Kudos!

If I had the time I would
definitely fly to Texas and take Mr. Waslaski's full certification course. Yes, I do respect and recommend Mr. Waslaski a great deal!

Please note that what Mr. Waslaski teaches is Orthopedic or Medical Massage. Solutions for chronic pain and sports injuries. It is very 'result oriented.'

It is also highly recommended to brush up on your A & P and Kinesiology. If you are taking the 'complicated shoulder condition' course it's best to know these muscles and what they do and how they inter-act with each other.

I also have to add one more comment. Mr. Waslaski 'held the class together' in a very professional manner. There was no 'grab-assing' or goofing off in his seminar. This is a personal pet peeve of mine as I've seen some classes get out of control. Then, the learning is out the window and everyone is doing their own thing. Not in this course!

As to the price, I can't even recall what it was. I'm sure we received a discount as AMTA - Nevada Chapter members at the conference, but even at full price (whatever that is) I still highly recommend Mr. Waslaski's courses!

This course provided me exactly what I wanted and needed. What is advertised is what you get.

If you have any questions or concerns in regards to Mr. Waslaski and his material please feel free to contact me.

Here is a link to Mr. Waslaski's website:

James Waslaski - Orthopedic Massage

Kris Kelley
At Your Door Massage

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