Living in Austin so I MUST be green!
by Patty
Good Sunday to everyone and here's what I did today.
First, enjoyed my morning coffee and then saved the coffee grounds (have been accumulating them for a couple of days). Then fixed breakfast for the rest of the househould and then mine. I had a egg white and cheese rolled in a low carb tortilla.. but SAVED the egg yolk for this upcoming tip.
Ok, finished breakfast dishes and headed to shower with coffee grounds and egg yolk. :-)) Smeared the egg yolk and added a drop of frankincense EO on my face for a little facial while showering. And then comes the coffee grounds. I used the coffee grounds as an exfoliater on my skin.
Man, did it do an amazing job! My skin is baby soft! Washed my face and my skin is so smooth. LOVE THIS NEW RITUAL! Will make it a part of my self-care Sunday! AND I was able to use the egg yolk and coffee grounds! Keeping Austin green and me soft and smooth! :-))
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